Do it yourself. Vaccinate at home.
Spectra® and Focus® multi-protection vaccines give your furry friends proven protection against the major health risks of cats and dogs. Save time and money when you vaccinate at home, knowing that your pets are getting the same industry-leading protection that veterinarians have trusted for years.
See how easy it is to do it yourself and vaccinate at home.
Download your FREE vaccination record and schedule.
Find Spectra and Focus vaccines at a retailer near you.

5-way protection
Economical choice
for puppies

6-way protection
An ideal first shot
for your puppy

9-way protection
Economical vaccine

10-way protection
For breeders &
multi-dog owners

10-way protection
for outdoor dogs

3-way protection
Protects against
canine cough

3-way protection
Ideal booster
for cats & kittens